The script status options are:

In Merlin
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In MerlinMAP
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Deleting a script removes the record entirely and should only be done when items are dispensed incorrectly to the wrong patient so that the items do not appear in the patient’s medication profile. Workload for the script is deducted from reports, the script is removed from the PBS claim, stock levels are reversed, and any charges are cancelled.

Terminating a script removes it from the PBS claim, cancels any charging and reverses stock levels. The terminated script is still displayed in the patient’s medication profile for future reference. It is displayed in Merlin as Term’d and in MerlinMAP it is greyed out.

Made & terminating a script (for manufactured items only) keeps it in the PBS claim, cancels any charging and does NOT reverse stock levels. The made & terminated script is still displayed in the patient’s medication profile for future reference. It is displayed in Merlin as Term’d and in MerlinMAP it is greyed out.