Stock Adjustments are done in the Transaction Processing screens

To access the screens:

5.Transaction Processing

Enter (Main or Substore) Site code

At the options line, enter "3" for Adjustment MINUS OR "9" for Adjustment PLUS

This will open up the "Stock Adjustments" screen

Field 2, enter the inventory code or enter in inventory description to open up inventory lookup

Field 5, enter the adjustment date. 

Field 6, enter ? for a lookup of the adjustment codes. Select the appropriate adjustment code that represents the adjustment.

Field 7, enter comments relating to the adjustments

Field 10, enter "I" for internal issue

Field 11, select the adjustment type, either "Increase" or "Decrease" stock

Field 12, enter the qty to adjust

Field 15, enter trade code (optional - cursor will not pass through this field)

At the option line, enter "F" to file record